Guiding Principles

Guiding Principle 1
We design our service journeys from the viewpoint of the user and not how the University is organised, taking time to explore and define the opportunity before we design a solution. Therefore, we seek users’ participation from the start of any change. Our Student Partnership Agreement is underpinned by the commitment to involve students in shaping the University and the services it provides.
Guiding Principle 2
Digital services create an inclusive experience for all service users. This means that the service and its content are accessible by design and that our users are given the digital literacy skills to access services and use them effectively. In parallel, we address exclusion caused by digital poverty amongst our student population.
Guiding Principle 3
Digital underpins frictionless processes, user self-service and automation of the student and colleague lifecycle. This requires a culture of embracing the self-sufficiency and enablement that digital services and skills offer.
Guiding Principle 4
For the majority of our provision, we are a campus-based university, where digital services complement and enhance the use of the physical space. However, we adopt a digital first approach to the delivery of our corporate services and selected student services
Guiding Principle 5
Our services are designed to balance the desire for a seamless user experience with proportionate security and privacy to ensure that we maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information we collect, produce, hold and manage on behalf of others. We follow IT security best practice and take a risk-based approach to our security improvement priorities.
Guiding Principle 6
Digital services meet the standards of our regulatory and legal framework, as well as best practice, and we ensure all content creators are aware of these obligations, providing the tools and training they need. This includes copyright licensing, data protection regulations and accessibility obligations, as well as adherence to our ethical framework.
Guiding Principle 7
Digital services will only be delivered in a way that is both environmentally and financially sustainable. We embrace technological advances that support us on our University commitment to net zero by 2030. We promote both using and providing sector shared services, where appropriate
Guiding Principle 8
We seek to reuse, before we buy, before we build when selecting a technology solution to meet a business need. This ensures we seek to simplify our estate, streamline the user experience and deliver services in a financially sustainable manner.
Guiding Principle 9
We seek to build upon a small number of enduring, strategic partnerships with the organisations who not only supply goods and services to Edinburgh Napier, but seek to utilise our unique academic knowledge, continuous professional development programmes and capabilities for their benefit.
Guiding Principle 10
All investment in our digital services is aligned to our overarching University strategy and values, is consistent with our desired architectural patterns and requires a compelling, enduring business case. We ensure that essential maintenance keeps the estate in a safe and compliant state by factoring these activities in our roadmaps

Our six themes

For more information on our theme and the key initiatives that underpin them, return to our main page by clicking the link below