Four dimensions


Our students and colleagues will experience a digital environment that complements the campus estate and nurtures the core activities of learning and teaching, research, enterprise, and international development. They will move seamlessly between the physical and digital space, selecting the most appropriate domain that best fits their needs. Where the activity best lends itself to the digital space, user-focused and integrated technologies, complemented by embedded skills, ensure ease of use, and that services are inclusive, engaging and accessible. We address digital poverty by providing wireless connectivity on our campuses, extended to local public transport and a suite of devices, fixed and mobile, in each library and the Jack Kilby Computing Centre.


Our services, both information systems and the support network, enhance the digital education experience of our students and postgraduate researchers, on-campus and online. They underpin effective operations of the University for all colleagues and external collaborators. We continuously invest and develop in line with technology trends and HE best practice, delivering a portfolio of excellent services, curating our digital assets, while maintaining our information security and financial and environmental sustainability. Investment in digital tooling and analysis will drive efficient working (integration and automation of services) and increased data quality, providing insights that will inform University decision making and strategy.


Digital skills are fundamental to academic success, research effectiveness, lifelong colleague and student employability, and personal life. Future work requires digital agility across a range of ever-changing products and resources, which in turn requires broad digital skills and awareness. Few assumptions can be made around skill levels in our diverse and international university community, and expectations need to be met through flexible skills delivery via multiple channels. The ENhance curriculum development framework embeds digital literacy in our academic programmes, and relevant transferable skills will be inculcated and developed through a wide array of supporting mechanisms and services across both academic Schools, and Professional Services.

Student & Colleague Experience

Digital services enable positive student and colleague experiences, drawing on technology innovation to exceed user expectations. Through the creation of simple curated self-service experiences that will focus on intuitive, frictionless and assisted interactions, the student and employee value proposition will be enhanced to ensure Edinburgh Napier is a sector leading employer, partner or educator of choice. The digital experience will augment the culture of the University that enables individual or collective success, strengthens collaboration and showcases the talent of the Edinburgh Napier community. Digital inclusion is at the heart of the decisions we make when selecting and exploiting the digital services we provide, including the provision support and services to address digital exclusion.

Our six themes

For more information on our theme and the key initiatives that underpin them, return to our main page by clicking the link below