An entrepreneurial campus is an ecosystem that fosters a culture of innovation and enterprise, and transforms this into tangible opportunities, preparing individuals for success in an evolving business landscape. Digital platforms increase the University’s reach and enable us to foster strong partnerships between Edinburgh Napier, industry and the public sector. We provide digital spaces to showcase talent and ideas, and platforms to link our students and researchers with mentors, funders and investors. Collaboration spaces encourage idea exchange and interactions with industry professional, including our alumni.

The development of entrepreneurial skills and mindset is threaded through our provision, with employability and entrepreneurial practice a key theme in the Enhance Curriculum Framework. The Curriculum Management Environment ensures that our provision demonstrates a consistent approach to meeting the standards codified in the framework. Entrepreneurial skills development is delivered by colleagues across the University, supported by specialist digital services and a library of educational assets.

Of course, the University is a complex organisation seeking to diversify sources of income in order to maintain a strong financial position. This includes commercialisation of research outputs, using digital transformation to streamline processes for patenting, licensing, and establishing spin-off companies based on university-developed technologies, underpinned by a strong customer relationship management platform.

Income diversity also includes provision of consultancy services and short courses which exploit our areas of academic expertise. These must be promoted and easily discovered by potential partners, and underpinned by frictionless onboarding and delivery platforms.

Our campuses and professional services expertise are also key assets. As we develop these opportunities, the use of technology allows us to promote and exploit them in a cost effective manner.


The Curriculum Management Environment ensures that all provision is linked to the key themes in our ENhance Curriculum Framework, including designing entrepreneurial learning opportunities into the provision from a central repository of curated toolkits. Digital services complement campus facilities for collaboration, mentorship, incubators and accelerators so that students can transform their concepts into viable business proposition.

Bright Red Triangle

Bright Red Triangle is Edinburgh Napier University's enterprise hub, providing support to aspiring entrepreneurs, including access to high-quality digital facilities in their campus offices and a range of online services to complement the specialist in-house team. We promote the involvement of alumni and industry professionals to act as mentors and investors through a bespoke platform, Startium, which matches individuals, providing asynchronous collaboration and toolsets.


Digital platforms showcase our research outputs and technologies available for commercialisation, making it easier for industry partners to discover and license intellectual property developed within the university. We manage our intellectual property portfolio, including tracking patents, and copyrights associated with our research to ensure protection and payment. We seek to support technology spinouts by testing these capabilities in-house, leading to benefits for all parties.

CPD & Consultancy

The delivery of our general or bespoke CPD offerings is underpinned by a range of digital services which serve to create a seamless process from initial interest through enrollment and payment to blended or fully online delivery. Similarly, we seek to increase our reach and ease of engagement for expert consultancy services through our Innovation Hub, with proactive and reactive customer management.

Our Estates

Our strategic accommodation platform allows students to book and pay for their accommodation, tailored to their needs, and offers our summer capacity and events space to the lucrative Edinburgh market in real time. Well designed digital services make it easy to do business with us and ensures an efficient use of our resources. We use technology to increase the reach of our heritage collections which are a key attraction for visitors to our campuses.

Shared Services

Shared services enhance the financial sustainability of the sector and is actively promoted by the funding bodies. Shared digital platforms provide economies of scale and reduce duplication, offering opportunities for the University to consume and provide shared services. The shared services we provide, underpinned by efficient digital platforms, provide financial transparency which attracts funding and supports long-term sustainability.

University wide

Build Careers, Create Opportunities Grow Networks, Connect Communities Advance Knowledge, Deliver Impact While being committed to Growing Sustainability

As well enabling strategic objectives within our Learning & Teaching, Research & Innovation and Environmental Sustainability Strategies and our developing Infrastructure & Estates Strategy, this theme directly links to the delivery of a number of our strategic KPIs including those focused on Advance Knowledge and associated Transformational Actions:

  • Build Careers: Curriculum enhancement framework (ENhance) % of all programmes engaged to at least threshold level through the full framework
  • Grow Networks: Number of collaborative projects with another organisation (University or Industry)
  • Advance Knowledge: Income from Knowledge Exchange (£M)  (CPD and Consultancy exc Graduate Apprenticeships
  • Advance Knowledge: Proportion of Academic Staff Active in Externally Funded Research and knowledge exchang
  • Finance and Enablers: Total Income (£M)
  • Finance and Enablers: Financial Surplus (£M) (contribution for Schools)

Transformational Values

Our transformational actions explained.

Introduce & Embed the ENhance Curriculum Framework
Launch new Innovation Hub
Deliver Accessible Upskilling & Work-Based Learning
Grow & Diversify Income

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Colleague Experience

Digital services foster productivity and colleague engagement, creating a more efficient and satisfying workplace and streamlining communication

Explore Colleague Experience

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Technology Enablers

We balance innovation with industry best practice to exploit emerging technologies for the benefit of students and colleagues, while protecting the information we hold and services we provide.

Explore Technology